Asian Pears
For more information, go to Cornell Fruit Resources: Tree Fruit.
Relevant Event
Advisory Committee Meeting - Program & Project Updates
February 26, 2025
Spencerport, NY
Pollinator Resources
DEC Registered Pesticides for New York
This the the link to access the the NYDEC pesticide registrations. Access labels here.
Bureau of Pest Management - Information Portal - You Experience Drought Issues on Your Farm?
Did You Experience Drought Issues on Your Farm?
Please Help Us Collect Regional Information So We Can Help You Be Better Prepared in the Future
As you know, the summer of 2016 was a period of lower than average rainfall combined with higher than average temperatures that led to a drought of moderate to unprecedented severity in New York and much of the Northeast
A 2016 NY drought survey is being conducted and we need your input.
Please click on details for more information.
What Herbicides control which weeds ?
Deborah Breth, Integrated Pest Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
This guide is used to identify the most effective herbicides to target specific weeds in tree fruit. First identify the weed, or weeds, then find those weeds across the top of the spreadsheet. For each weed, make a list of herbicides that are effective on the label. Then you will need to double check the label to determine 1) if the tree fruit crop is labeled, 2) if the tree age is appropriate for use,3) what rate is needed for specific weeds and any soil limitations that might impact those rates. You can go to the Bureau of Pest Management - Information Portal to find the labels to determine specific application requirements including the rates, timing, any adjuvants necessary, and any precautions to ensure crop safety.
Revisions in EPA WPS comment period open until Dec. 23, 2015
Deborah Breth, Integrated Pest Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
EPA is finalizing changes to the WPS. The WPS is a regulation primarily intended to reduce the risks of injury or illness resulting from agricultural workers' and handlers' use and contact with pesticides on farms, forests, nurseries and greenhouses. The rule primarily seeks to protect workers (those who perform hand-labor tasks in pesticide-treated crops, such as harvesting, thinning, pruning) and handlers (those who mix, load and apply pesticides). The rule does not cover persons working with livestock. The existing regulation has provisions requiring employers to provide workers and handlers with pesticide safety training, posting and notification of treated areas, and information on entry restrictions, as well as PPE for workers who enter treated areas after pesticide application to perform crop-related tasks and handlers who mix, load, and apply pesticides. The full content if you want to review and comment can be found at!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0184-2510.
A summary chart of major cahnges between the new revisions and the current standard can be found here.
Apple IPM for Beginners
Deborah Breth, Integrated Pest Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
Pest management can be a complex system in perennial crops such as apples and other tree fruits. "Apple IPM (Integrated Pest managment) for Beginners" is an excellent guide for new growers who want to grow apples, or want to be more familiar with managing pests in apple plantings. Even growers who have been farming all their lives may know someone coming into the business that can learn from this guide and improve the quality of apples produced. This 42-page guide will help new apple growers protect apple orchards from pests, in fact sheet format. This series of fact sheets is available in printed color format (see order form below), or in .pdfs It will help you address the major apple pests, but does not guarantee perfect fruit. These fact sheets and scouting guides are a compromise between the most accurate, complex information researchers have to offer and the amount of information a beginner can take in. Read the first four chapters carefully to start this new venture. Then follow the Scouting Calendar as apple stage of growth advances week-by-week. "Apple IPM for Beginners" was partially funded by Federal Smith Lever Funds. Additional full color printed copies can be ordered from CCE-Lake Ontario Fruit Program.
Labor Cost Calculator for Platform Activities
Matthew Wells, Production Economics & Business Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
Download this spreadsheet to help calculate acres covered per day and labor cost per acre utilizing platforms.
New fungicides labeled for use in tree fruit - all Special Local Needs Labels
Deborah Breth, Integrated Pest Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
The new class of fungicides, SDHI's, are now registered for use in tree fruit. Fontelis was registered last season, and Luna Tranquility and Merivon were registered this spring. They are all registered in NY as "Restricted Use" fungicides. Due to the special restrictions for use in NY, they also are Special Local Need registrations. In order to apply these materials you must have a copy of the label and the SLN label in your possession. You can access these SLN and label to study or print at these links.
Produce Handling for Direct Marketing
Craig Kahlke, Team Leader, Fruit Quality Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
NRAES-51, Successful direct marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables depends on providing quality items in a clean and customer-friendly environment. This publication is valuable for growers who sell seasonal produce at local farmers' markets or roadside markets. It describes postharvest physiology, food safety, produce handling from harvest to storage, refrigerated storage, produce displays, and specific handling and display recommendations for over forty types of fruits and vegetables. Eleven tables and eight figures are included. (1992)
Successful direct marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables depends on providing quality items in a clean and customer-friendly environment. Produce Handling for Direct Marketing, NRAES-51, is an invaluable guide for the grower who sells seasonal produce at local farmers' markets or roadside markets.
The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks
Craig Kahlke, Team Leader, Fruit Quality Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
The information contained in this preliminary version of HB-66 has been assembled from information prepared by nearly 100 authors from around the world. The version posted here is a revised copy of a Draft made available online in November 2002 for author and public review and comment.
Animals in Fruit Crops
Orchards and other fruit crops are great habitat for many animals for food, and shelter. Deer, voles, rabbits, wild turkeys, and beavers, have caused damage to trees, bushes and fruit resulting in serious economic losses. Animals also pose a challenge for growers who participate in Food Safety audits to prevent contamination of fruit at harvest time. Growers must take steps to manage animals in fruit crops. P. D. Curtis prepares and updates the Wildlife Damage Management Chapter in the Cornell Pest Management Guidelines for tree Fruit and also for Berries.
Brief Overview of Labor Regulations & Recordkeeping for Farm Businesses
Matthew Wells, Production Economics & Business Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
This document provides a brief overview of state & federal labor regulations that apply to many fruit farms in N.Y.S., as well as examples of record keeping forms that assist growers in meeting these regulations.
Upcoming Events
Farm Grant Literacy Workshop
January 16, 2025 : Session 1: Understanding Farm Grant Opportunities
January 23, 2025 : Session 2: Identifying Farm Grant Opportunities
January 30, 2025 : Session 3: How To Read and Interpret Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
February 13, 2025 : Session 4: Panelists
February 20, 2025 : Session 5: Panelists
February 27, 2025 : Session 6: Panelists
Cornell Fruit Winter Webinars
January 17, 2025 : Week 1: Digging into Pruning and Soil Health
Speakers: Mario Miranda Sazo (CCE LOFP) and Dr. Debbie Aller (Cornell CALS)
January 31, 2025 : Week 2: Cider Apples - Mechanized Harvesting and Sweet Cider Food Safety
Speakers: Dr. Greg Peck (Cornell CALS) and Dr. Randy Worobo (Cornell CALS)
February 14, 2025 : Week 3: The Value of "Eco-Friendly" Marketing - OMRI Certification, Red Tomato, EcoApple, NYS Grown
Speakers: Liz Higgins (CCE ENYCHP), Josh Morgenthau (Fish Kill Farms), Jim Bittner (Bittner-Singer Orchard, and Kevin Clark (Rose Hill Farm)
February 28, 2025 : Week 4: Biopesticides and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) for Berries
Speaker(s): McKenzie Schessl (Cornell AgriTech) and Samantha Willden (Cornell AgriTech)
March 14, 2025 : Week 5: St. Peachtrick's Day: Stone Fruit Insect and Disease Management
Speakers: Dr. George Sundin (Michigan State University) and Brett Blaauw (University of Georgia)
From Seed to Success: Turn Your Idea into an Actionable Plan
January 7, 2025 : Session 1: The 30,000-foot view, what are you trying to accomplish? What resources do you have?
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Planning and the Business Plan (Liz Higgins)
- Session 1: The 30,000-foot view, what are you trying to accomplish? What resources do you have?
January 14, 2025 : Session 2: Introduction to Project Management
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Planning and the Business Plan (Liz Higgins)
- Session 2: Introduction to Project Management
January 21, 2025 : Session 3: How Business Planning Becomes a Business Plan
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Planning and the Business Plan (Liz Higgins)
- Session 3: How Business Planning Becomes a Business Plan
January 28, 2025 : Session 4: Your Market and Your Competition
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Farm (Bonnie Nelsen)
Session 4: Your Market and Your Competition
February 4, 2025 : Session 5: Revenue and Product Mix to Achieve Your Goals
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Farm (Bonnie Nelsen)
- Session 5: Revenue and Product Mix to Achieve Your Goals
February 11, 2025 : Session 6: Marketing Plan and Evaluation of Marketing Efforts
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Farm (Bonnie Nelsen)
- Session 6: Marketing Plan and Evaluation of Marketing Efforts
February 18, 2025 : Session 7: The Basics of Financial Statements
Unit 3: Developing a Financial Plan for Your Farm Business (Steve Hadcock)
- Session 7: The Basics of Financial Statements
February 25, 2025 : Session 8: Enhancing Confidence in Your Numbers
Unit 3: Developing a Financial Plan for Your Farm Business (Steve Hadcock)
- Session 8: Enhancing Confidence in Your Numbers
March 4, 2025 : Session 9: Using Financial Statements and Financial Information to Plan and Evaluate an Enterprise
Unit 3: Developing a Financial Plan for Your Farm Business (Steve Hadcock)
- Session 9: Using Financial Statements and Financial Information to Plan and Evaluate an Enterprise