Agricultural Support Organizations
USDA (Farm Service Agency):
NYS Ag and Markets:
Empire State Development:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus Updates
Events are changing rapidly with the coronavirus. Some of the information presented in this newsletter is subject to change. For up-to-date developments at the federal level, check the CDC website frequently.
Cornell Small Farms Resiliency Resources
Ideas on how to take care of yourself, your farm, and your local community. These resources offer support on the various aspects of farming during a crisis, with a focus on the current COVID-19 pandemic. The content was curated in partnership with educators, researchers and others. It is consistently updated as new information and resources are available.
Emerging Viral Pathogens Guidance for Antimicrobial Products
EPA has activated its Emerging Viral Pathogens Guidance for Antimicrobial Products in order to enable the use of certain EPA-registered disinfectant products against COVID-19.
Employment and Agricultural Workforce Questions
The Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development team has assembled many resources to help you protect your workforce, your business, and your markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find H2A updates and more!
Farm Stress Management
Resources for managing and warning signs of stress during these uncertain times.
Stress Management in Unprecedented Times
Managing Financial Stress on the Farm
Farmers' Market Federation of New York
Provides helpful information as NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets as this continues to develop.
Food Production, Processing and Safety Questions
Find answers to questions around the risks associated with food production and to your employees to ensure that a safe and robust food supply is maintained for the public. You can find useful links to expert resources to help address your specific questions. Resources are updated frequently as the situation changes and new information becomes available.
FDA Food Safety and Coronavirus Questions & Answers.
Contains resources available to industry members and consumers on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and food safety.
General Questions and Updates: NY Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
Find the latest updates on coronavirus impacts in New York. This website is a one-stop source for links to resources for ag, workforce, food industry, food safety, dairy industry, horticulture, H-2A, family, animal care, business relief, and social distancing.
Labor Concerns
Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development:
NY Farm Bureau:
NY Department of Labor:
Mental Health & Health Resources
NY FarmNet:
NY FarmNet Hotline : 1-800-547-3276 (24 hr service)
New York State Department of Health:
New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH):
Farm Partners (part of Bassett Health Care system and NYCAMH): 1-800-343-7527
NYS Agricultural Mediation Program:
Prevent Worker Exposure to Coronavirus (OSHA):
Center for Disease Control COVID-19:
New York State Department of Heath Novel Coronavirus
For the latest news at the New York State level, including Governor Cuomo's most recent executive actions for citizens, employees, and employers, check the New York State Department of Health Coronavirus website frequently.
Protecting Yourself & Loved Ones Financially from COVID-19
The Consumer Financial Protection Board has information ranging from what to do if you have trouble paying your bills, are facing income loss, or have a problem with a financial service.
Small Business Administration Economic Industry Disaster Loans:
Eligible small businesses may now apply for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) online at: Businesses can take advantage of free assistance offered by SBA's network of Resource Partners for help with preparing their loan applications. They may visit the link below assistance to find local help. The NYS Small Business Development Center network recommends submitting a request for assistance online at
Webinar on Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting in the COVID-19 Era
The webinar recording and presentation are now available on the PSA website from Monday's call titled "Setting the Record Straight on Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond". A special thanks to our speaker Dr. Ruth Petran, Senior Corporate Scientist - Food Safety and Public Health at Ecolab, for her informative presentation and helpful Q&A session.
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE)
The Cornell Cooperative Extension website provides an overview of CCE programs across New York State.
Cornell Fruit
Cornell University fruit site including berry news.
Cornell Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
Information about the National GAPs Program and upcoming GAPs events.
EPA - WPS Resource
Pesticide Worker Protection Standard "How to Comply" Manual.
New York Berry News
New York Berry News is a monthly online publication that provides a statewide perspective on the production of berry crops in New York.
New York Fruit Quarterly
The New York Fruit Quarterly is printed 4 times a year providing fruit and technology updates.
Pollinator Network at Cornell
Provides pfds of the following publications.
- Working together to protect bees
- Wild pollinators of eastern apple orchards
- A pesticide decision-making guide to protect pollinators in tree fruit orchards
- A pesticide decision-making guide to protect pollinators in landscape, ornamental, and turf management
- Pollination Services Contract
Scaffold Fruit Journal
Scaffolds Fruit Journal archived journals provided weekly update on pest management and crop development.
Scaffolds Podcast
Many of you probably read Art Agnello's statewide tree fruit updates and recommendations newsletter, "Scaffolds". Dr. Monique Rivera is bringing it back, but in a new audio version. Episode one was recorded this week, and is now available for free online.
Cornell Small Farms Program
LOF Enrollment Form
In Region Enrollment Forms are available at
Small Farms Online Courses
Trac Software
Keep records up-to-date, generate reports, analyze pest management strategies and improve IPM practice with Trac software.
Tree Fruit Business Blog
Provides tree fruit business resources.
Cornell Pest Management Guidelines
Cornell Pest Management Guidelines for Commercial Tree Fruit & Berry Crops can be purchased here.
Organic Production Guides
Organic Integrated Pest Management for 8 vegetable groups, tree & small fruit, and grapes, and more
Cornell University High Tunnel
This site provides growers with more information from Cornell's high tunnel team: types of structures, business and marketing resources, and crops that grow particularly well in the tunnel environment.
SARE Season Extension Topic Room
A section of the Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) website, the season extension topic room provides nationwide research in the areas of variety trials, fertility management, pest management, water management, energy, and marketing and economics.
Bureau of Pest Management - Information Portal
This the the link to access the the NYDEC registered pesticide labels.
Network for Environment & Weather Awareness (NEWA)
Awareness for disease, insect and weather forecasts.
The following links provide information and learning resources for NEWANEWA apple tools - learning resourcesNEWA Blog - updatesNEWA Get Help - FAQs and weather station resources
NYS IPM Program
Developing sustainable ways to manage pests and help people to use methods that minimize environmental, health, and economic risks.
Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
Develop and distribute pesticide training materials, provide workshops, presentation and online certification/re-certification course calendar to occupational users of pesticides, produce the Cornell Crop and Pest Management Guidelines series
Plum Pox Virus Eradication Program
NYS Ag & Markets Annual Reports - check Agriculture & Markets Annual Reports for yearly updates on Plum Pox Virus Survey results
Cornell Soil Health
Information to help you return your soil to a healthy state or keep an already good soil productive.
The Cornell Nutrient Analysis Laboratory
Provide accurate and cost effective analysis of soil (Cornell Soil Health Test, Illinois Soil Nutrient Test, other specialized soil tests), plant and water samples.
Upcoming Events
Harvest Maturity Report Subscribe Now! - Online Payment Option - Not an Event
August 2, 2024
October 1, 2024
Online subscription now available!
Save the Date - Western NY Fruit Conference - February 4-5, 2025
February 4 - February 5, 2025 : Western NY Fruit Conference
Rochester, NY
For the 2nd year in a row, we'll be having the Western NY Fruit Conference at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Rochester! It will be another 1 1/2 day conference. Stay tuned for program and registration info as we get closer.