Lake Ontario Fruit Program Enrollment

Program Areas

  • Food Safety
  • Variety Evaluation
  • Market Development
  • Pest Management
  • Cultural Practices

Enrollment Benefits

  • Telephone / Email Consultations
  • Fruit Newsletter?
  • Direct Mailings
  • Educational Meetings & Conferences
  • In-Field Educational Opportunities
  • On-Farm Research Trials

Enrollee Login


Log In To Access:

  • Issues of Fruit Newletters
  • Helpful Diagnostic Tool:
      What's wrong with my crop?

Impact In New York

The pdfs below provide updates on the different projects and educational events provided by the LOF team and the impacts that are making fruit growers in the region.

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2024

Updates on current research projects and meetings, focused on AI in the orchard for improved crop load management, irrigation, frost protection, and disease control in the orchard.

view complete impact (PDF; 2994 KB)

Quaterly Report Jan-Mar 2024

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events, & research projects.  Details on the 2nd Annual CCE Winter Fruit Conference, continued research on Precision Crop Load Management and damage caused by unexpected cold events.

view complete impact (PDF; 1713 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2023 Annual Report

Program highlights from 2023.

view complete impact (PDF; 8074 KB)

Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2023

Updates on projects and fall meetings, wrapping up the 4th quarter of  2023.

view complete impact (PDF; 1494 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2023

Updates on educational events and research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 1694 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2023

Recent LOF Program project and event updates.

view complete impact (PDF; 1302 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2023

Details on the new winter conference format and updates on current projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 1785 KB)

Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2022

Team and programing updates.

view complete impact (PDF; 771 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2022 Annual Report

A review of team news, projects, and programing that occured in 2022.

view complete impact (PDF; 5541 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2022

Team updates including summer tours, research projects, and personnel.

view complete impact (PDF; 1224 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2022

Updates on projects and events.

view complete impact (PDF; 1223 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2022

Updates on the LOF team, projects, and growing season.

view complete impact (PDF; 3148 KB)

Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2021

Updates on project and events.

view complete impact (PDF; 1285 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2021

Updates on projects, programs, and apple harvest.

view complete impact (PDF; 1277 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2021

Updates on projects and events.

view complete impact (PDF; 1201 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2021

Review of specialists projects and activities during the first quarter of 2021.

view complete impact (PDF; 1401 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2020 Annual Report

Highlights in programming over 2020.

view complete impact (PDF; 6227 KB)

Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2020

Updates on project and grower education activities.

view complete impact (PDF; 2459 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2020

Covers updates through Harvest Activities.

view complete impact (PDF; 1580 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2020

Updates of continued field & grower education activities through COVID-19

view complete impact (PDF; 2220 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan - Mar 2020

Updates on projects, meetings, and team news.

view complete impact (PDF; 1208 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2019 Annual Report

Highlights in programming over 2019 include team news, winter meetings for growers and industry members, training and classes for workers and the 2018  fruit farm business summary.

view complete impact (PDF; 10858 KB)

Quarterly Report Oct - Dec 2019

Updates on projects, meeting, workshops, and classes provided by the Lake Ontario Fruit Program.

view complete impact (PDF; 753 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul - Sep 2019

Updates on projects, Summer Fruit Tours & team news of our new team member, IPM Specialist Janet Van Zoeren.  

view complete impact (PDF; 2039 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2019

Updates on projects, meetings, and team news.

view complete impact (PDF; 1022 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2019

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program meetings, education events, publications, research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 849 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2018 Annual Report

Highlights in programming over 2018 include Summer Fruit Tours in English & Spanish, Hail Netting effects on fruit quality & pest management, and team news.

view complete impact (PDF; 3311 KB)

Quaterly Report Oct-Dec 2018

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events, & research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 1737 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2018

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events, & research projects

view complete impact (PDF; 378 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2018

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events, & research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 454 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2018

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program team news, educational events, & research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 378 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2017 Annual Report

Highlights in programming over 2017 include Winter Fruit School for Spanish-speaking Farmers and Workers, focus on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, survey of apple trees for viruses, and mechanical blossom thinning and team news.

view complete impact (PDF; 7960 KB)

Quarterly Report Oct-Dec 2017

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events & research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 341 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2017

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events & research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 1398 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2017

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events & research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 3232 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2017

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program educational events, research projects, publications, and business consultations.

view complete impact (PDF; 1568 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2016

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program education events and research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 248 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2016

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program education events and research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 188 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Aug 2016

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program education events and research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 392 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2016 Annual Report

Highlights in programming over 2016 include Winter Fruit School for Spanish-speaking Farmers and Workers, focus on black stem borer, stress related problems in apples, harvest platform, and Honeycrisp Quality and team news of CCE-LOF Program's long dedicated Deborah Breth's retirement and the gain of Tess Grasswitz as IPM specialist.

view complete impact (PDF; 2611 KB)

Lake Ontario Fruit Program 2015 Review

Highlights in programming over 2015 with projects including a Summer Fruit Tour for Spanish-speaking Farmers and Workers, focus on invasive fruit pests, harvest maturity program cooperation with Crunch Time Apple Growers, and new state wide crop estimate efforts.

view complete impact (PDF; 3750 KB)

2014 Year in Review for CCE-LOF

This is a review of 2014 highlights in programming across many issue for the commercial fruit industry.
Highlights include CCE-LOF response to new pests, deer damage, mechanization of horticultural practices, increasing farm employees' skills, harvest maturity program impacts, list of active grants, and a general program description.

view complete impact (PDF; 1610 KB)

Quarterly Report Apr-Jun 2013

Updates on Lake Ontario Fruit Program education events and research projects.

view complete impact (PDF; 374 KB)

Quarterly Report Jul-Sep 2013

Updates on LOF Program educational event, research projects, and new pest detection through July to September of 2013.

view complete impact (PDF; 366 KB)

Quarterly Report Jan-Mar 2013

Review of winter educational opportunities for the fruit industry including the Empire State Producers EXPO, Becker Forum, LOF Winter School, Eastern Apple Precision Orchard Management Summit, Food Safety GAPS, Weed Management, and Pruning Demos.

view complete impact (PDF; 245 KB)

Extension Programs Respond To 2012 Seasonal Extrem

The abnormally high temperatures March 12-22, 2012, resulted in accelerated bud development in tree fruit crops. We recorded green tip in McIntosh on March 17-19 across the Lake Ontario Fruit region, initiating the beginning of the growing season 3-4 weeks ahead of normal. Freezing temperatures in the low 20�s on March 27 and 31 resulted in bud damage in apples, pears, peaches, and cherries, as well as apricots and plums in full bloom. The bloom on apples opened in mid-April and freezing low temperatures dipped into the low 20�s the end of April resulting in more blossom loss in apples, peaches, pears, plums, and cherries. There was also a serious drought in June through July, further stressing grower ability to produce quality fruit and keep trees healthy for future seasons. Growers needed guidance on all aspects of crop and business management under the extreme weather conditions (not experienced since 1945).

NY produced 720 million pounds of apples in 2012, down 41% from 2011; 2.7 million pounds of tart cherries, down 54%; 300 tons of sweet cherries, down 57% worth $1.07 million down from $2.11 million; 2,600 tons of peaches, down 62%, worth at $4.02 million, is down 52 percent; and 3,100 tons of pears, down 74% valued at $2.35 million, down 66 percent. The net loss of fruit value in tree fruit and berries in 2012 was $71M.

CCE-LOF took several steps to learn from the experience, promote networking with growers and support systems, helped make decisions on crop production practices essential with a light crop. 

view complete impact (PDF; 292 KB)

2012 Year in Review for CCE-LOF

This is a review of 2012 highlights in programming across many issue for the commercial fruit industry.
Highlights include CCE-LOF response to the freeze, the economic picture of the fruit industry, mechanization  of horticultural practices,  weed management, new varieties, and a general program description. 

view complete impact (PDF; 1184 KB)

Weed Control In New High-Density Apple Orchards

This is a summary of results of weed control project funded by NESARE to measure the impact of weed control on profitability in establishing high density apple orchards. 

view complete impact (PDF; 266 KB)

CCE-LOF Responds To 2012 Seasonal Extremes

The abnormally high temperatures March 12-22, 2012, resulted in accelerated bud
development in tree fruit crops. We recorded green tip in McIntosh on March 17-19 across
the Lake Ontario Fruit region, initiating the beginning of the growing season 3-4 weeks
ahead of normal. Freezing temperatures in the low 20’s on March 27 and 31 resulted in
bud damage in apples, pears, peaches, and cherries, as well as apricots and plums in full
bloom. The bloom on apples opened in mid-April and freezing low temperatures dipped
into the low 20’s the end of April resulting in more blossom loss in apples, peaches, pears,
plums, and cherries. There was also a serious drought in June through July, further
stressing grower ability to produce quality fruit and keep trees healthy for future seasons.
Growers needed guidance on all aspects of crop and business management under the
extreme weather conditions (not experienced since 1945).

view complete impact (PDF; 292 KB)

Improving Branching in Nursery Trees.

Maxcel, a cytokinin plant growth regulator, is already labeled for several uses on apples, but it is not registered for chemical branching of nursery apple trees in NY or elsewhere in the US. CCE Lake Ontario Fruit Program conducted research to determine the effect of Tiberon and Maxcel on branching of apple nursery trees under NY growing conditions.

view complete impact (PDF; 9 KB)

Economic Impact of Mating Disruption

CCE-LOF, funded by NE Center for Risk Management Education, demonstrated the use of mating disruption pheromones for control of codling moth and oriental fruit moth for 3 seasons.  This report is a summary of the results and how this practice impacts on profitability in apple production. 

view complete impact (PDF; 431 KB)

more crops




Asian Pears

Asian Pears

















Raspberries / Blackberries

Raspberries / Blackberries



Unusual Fruit

Unusual Fruit

more crops

Upcoming Events

Save the Date - Western NY Fruit Conference - February 4-5, 2025

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 4 - February 5, 2025 : Western NY Fruit Conference
Rochester, NY

For the 2nd year in a row, we'll be having the Western NY Fruit Conference at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Rochester!  It will be another 1 1/2 day conference. Stay tuned for program and registration info as we get closer.


Scaffolds podcast

Many of you probably read Art Agnello's statewide tree fruit updates and recommendations newsletter, "Scaffolds". Dr. Monique Rivera is bringing it back, but in a new audio version. Episode one was recorded this week, and is now available for free online at

NYS Tree Decline Survey

Your answers could help find the solution to tree decline in the orchard.

Save the Date! - Scroll down for Upcoming Events

Have you missed a meeting recently? Scroll down for available recordings or pdf links or visits our YouTube Channel

2024 Events:

24 Jul - AEWR Update + Progressive Discipline Overview Webinar - 1PM, Free Zoom, Register Now

25 Jul - Tree Fruit & Small Fruit Twilight Meeting 4_4 - 6:30pm-8:30PM, Mexico

31 Jul - Apple Social - 6-9 PM, VanAcker Farms, Williamson.

13 Aug - 2nd Annual WNY Fruit Grower Tour - Orleans County

17 Aug - Annual Hispanic Summer Tour - Orleans County, Register Now, Space is Limited for this Free event! 

22 Aug - WNY Bilingual Soil Health & Beneficial Fungi Meeting - Register Now, Space Limited for this Free event!

Feb 4-5, 2025 - Western NY Fruit Conference - DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Rochester

Food Safety Virtual Office Hours

Cornell Institute of Food Safety "Virtual Office Hours", Tuesdays Noon to 1pm

Past recorded virtual office hours can be found on YouTube:

Webinar Recordings & Additional Meeting Materials

Check out the recordings of some recent webinars and/or conference materials from in person events: Recordings and Playlists are available at

Recording of Precision Apple Cropload MANagement PACMAN technologies at the 2nd Annual WNY Fruit Grower Tour.

2024 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series - Water Wisdom: 

2024 Winter Fruit Webinars playlist on the NYS IPM Program YouTube Channel

PACMAN Details and Resources, Meeting Recording Links below:

Pollinator Resouces

Now available Pollinator Resource Links

Meeting Recordings Now Available

Did you miss the recent meeting?  Check and see if we recorded it and added it to our website or Lake Ontario Fruit Program YouTube Channel.

Honeycrisp Meetup recordings available here.

Why are my trees growing so poorly? recording available here.

Additional Recorded Webinars listing with recording and resource link are available at

New Publication on Growing Pawpaws

Are you a fan of pawpaws? These custardy fruits can be hard to come across, so this guide provides information on how to grow your own pawpaw from seed, and how to care for grafted seedlings. Pdf on growing now available.​|crops|unusual_fruit|crop*50

New Weed Management Technology Survey

Want to move away from herbicide reliance? Are you using novel technologies to manage weeds? We want to know about it to inform our weed science research. A team of weed scientists from University of California Davis, Oregon State University, and Cornell University are asking berry, tree fruit, tree nut, and vine crop growers to take 5 to 10 minutes and answer this short and anonymous survey. Weed Technology Survey link:

For more information on this survey please visit

Pollinator Webinar Series - Summer 2020

The Pollinator Webinar Series presented by Penn State cover bee health and pollination services.

Bloom Pesticides for Pollinator Health

A reference table created by Janet van Zoeren and Anna Wallis, is now available at|pests.