Lake Ontario Fruit Program Enrollment

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Event Details


February 20, 2014




3 Wayne County Farms


This event is free.


Lake Ontario Fruit Program

February 20 - Winter Pruning Tour in Wayne County

February 20, 2014

February 20 - Winter Pruning Tour in Wayne County

A winter pruning tour will be conducted at 3 farms in Wayne County from 8:30am until 3:30pm on Thursday February 20, 2014. You and your employees are invited to attend this pruning demonstration and tour to continue learning about the benefits of orchard mechanization and proper pruning for high density plantings. This tour is free, does not require a pre-registration, and is open to all Western NY fruit growers interested to improve orchard labor efficiency.

Pruning Demonstrations and Tour Agenda:

Stop 1 - 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Mark Hermenet's Orchards (address: 7017 Bear, Swamp Rd, Williamson, NY. Directions: Travel to intersection of Rt. 104 and Pound Rd in Wayne County, Williamson, NY. Follow north on Pound Rd, and travel 0.2 miles, then turn right on Bear Swamp Rd., go for 1.2 miles and look to your left for the Cornell signs).  Mark has been planting new high density plantings and just recently invested in a new tractor-mounted, over-the-hood, expanding deck, two man orchard platform. See and hear how it has worked after only two weeks of pruning work in 2014. Discussion on orchard mechanization, proper pruning, limb renewal pruning, limb bending, and the correct identification of a floral bud versus a vegetative bud will be led by Dr. Terence Robinson. Mark Arcuri will demonstrate the correct use of fall protection harnesses. Andy Dulude and Ryan Amburg will demonstrate the use of electric shears for pruning of high density orchards. 

Stop 2 - 11:00 AM - Noon: D&L Ventures LLC, Doug Fox's Orchards (address: 4959 Fish Farm Rd., Sodus, NY. Directions: Travel to intersection of Rt. 88 and Feiock Rd/Fish Farm Rd in Wayne County. Follow east on Feiock Rd, and travel 0.1 mile, then turn right on Fish Farm Rd., go for 1.5 miles and look to your right for the Cornell signs). Doug will share his successes and challenges while pruning medium-high density orchards on steep slopes with a motorized platform. Last year Doug bought a tractor-mounted, out-front, elevating-tilting, two man orchard platform that has worked very well for his pruning crew. See and hear how it has worked! Discussion on general aspects of pruning will be led by Dr. Terence Robinson.

Lunch (on your own)

Stop 3 - 1:00-3:30 PM: Scott VanDeWalle's Orchards (directions: Travel to intersection of Rt. 104 and Rt. 14 in Wayne o., Alton, NY. Turn north on Rt. 14, and travel 0.3 miles, then turn right on Ridge Rd. and go 50 feet, then turn left on Shaker Rd., go 0.9 miles and look for the Cornell signs). Scott and invited growers Todd Furber and Eric Budinger will be sharing their experiences with motorized platforms for pruning. Todd and Eric will have for display their platform pulled by a tractor and Scott will have his 2012 tractor-mounted, over-the-hood, two man orchard platform (it does not have an expanding deck as Mark Hermenet's 2014 platform) and the 2013 tractor-mounted , over-the-row, four man orchard platform and self-guided. Discussion on orchard mechanization, the fruiting wall concept, proper pruning, limb renewal pruning, limb bending, and the correct identification of a floral bud versus a vegetative bud will be led by Dr. Terence Robinson.  A second demonstration of use of fall protection harnesses and electric shears will also be demonstrated at this stop.

For more details about the tour call or email Mario to 315-719-1318 -

Tour Agenda (PDF; 177KB)

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Upcoming Events

Harvest Maturity Report Subscribe Now! - Online Payment Option - Not an Event

August 2, 2024
October 1, 2024

Online subscription now available!

Save the Date - Western NY Fruit Conference - February 4-5, 2025

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 4 - February 5, 2025 : Western NY Fruit Conference
Rochester, NY

For the 2nd year in a row, we'll be having the Western NY Fruit Conference at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Rochester!  It will be another 1 1/2 day conference. Stay tuned for program and registration info as we get closer.


Scaffolds podcast

Many of you probably read Art Agnello's statewide tree fruit updates and recommendations newsletter, "Scaffolds". Dr. Monique Rivera is bringing it back, but in a new audio version. Episode one was recorded this week, and is now available for free online at

NYS Tree Decline Survey

Your answers could help find the solution to tree decline in the orchard.

Save the Date! - Scroll down for Upcoming Events

Have you missed a meeting recently? Scroll down for available recordings or pdf links or visits our YouTube Channel

2024 Events:

24 Jul - AEWR Update + Progressive Discipline Overview Webinar - 1PM, Free Zoom, Register Now

25 Jul - Tree Fruit & Small Fruit Twilight Meeting 4_4 - 6:30pm-8:30PM, Mexico

31 Jul - Apple Social - 6-9 PM, VanAcker Farms, Williamson.

13 Aug - 2nd Annual WNY Fruit Grower Tour - Orleans County

17 Aug - Annual Hispanic Summer Tour - Orleans County, Register Now, Space is Limited for this Free event! 

22 Aug - WNY Bilingual Soil Health & Beneficial Fungi Meeting - Register Now, Space Limited for this Free event!

Feb 4-5, 2025 - Western NY Fruit Conference - DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Rochester

Food Safety Virtual Office Hours

Cornell Institute of Food Safety "Virtual Office Hours", Tuesdays Noon to 1pm

Past recorded virtual office hours can be found on YouTube:

Webinar Recordings & Additional Meeting Materials

Check out the recordings of some recent webinars and/or conference materials from in person events: Recordings and Playlists are available at

Recording of Precision Apple Cropload MANagement PACMAN technologies at the 2nd Annual WNY Fruit Grower Tour.

2024 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series - Water Wisdom: 

2024 Winter Fruit Webinars playlist on the NYS IPM Program YouTube Channel

PACMAN Details and Resources, Meeting Recording Links below:

Pollinator Resouces

Now available Pollinator Resource Links

Meeting Recordings Now Available

Did you miss the recent meeting?  Check and see if we recorded it and added it to our website or Lake Ontario Fruit Program YouTube Channel.

Honeycrisp Meetup recordings available here.

Why are my trees growing so poorly? recording available here.

Additional Recorded Webinars listing with recording and resource link are available at

New Publication on Growing Pawpaws

Are you a fan of pawpaws? These custardy fruits can be hard to come across, so this guide provides information on how to grow your own pawpaw from seed, and how to care for grafted seedlings. Pdf on growing now available.​|crops|unusual_fruit|crop*50

New Weed Management Technology Survey

Want to move away from herbicide reliance? Are you using novel technologies to manage weeds? We want to know about it to inform our weed science research. A team of weed scientists from University of California Davis, Oregon State University, and Cornell University are asking berry, tree fruit, tree nut, and vine crop growers to take 5 to 10 minutes and answer this short and anonymous survey. Weed Technology Survey link:

For more information on this survey please visit

Pollinator Webinar Series - Summer 2020

The Pollinator Webinar Series presented by Penn State cover bee health and pollination services.

Bloom Pesticides for Pollinator Health

A reference table created by Janet van Zoeren and Anna Wallis, is now available at|pests.