Events - month view

March 2021
ENYCH Listed Event
Value Added Producer Grant Program Series
February 3, 2021
February 17, 2021
March 3, 2021
: How Do I Apply for a Value Added Producer Grant?
6:00pm-7:30 pm
If you are considering applying for a Value Added Producer Grant. How do you fill out the application? How do you make your application as appealing as possible to the person who will review it? These three sessions will outline the process of writing and submitting a successful Value Added Producer Grant.
ENYCH Listed Event
Cleaning & Sanitizing on Produce Farms
March 11, 2021
8:30am - 12:00pm EST
Online Zoom Meeting
The Institute for Food Safety at Cornell University, UVM Extension Ag Engineering, and CCE Orange County, CCE Dutchess County, and CCE ENYCHP are hosting a workshop on Cleaning and Sanitizing on Produce Farms and in Packing Facilities. This remote 3.5 hour webinar will provide:
- A brief review of microbial risks in produce farms and packing facilities
- Conducting a Sanitation Operational Assessment
- Presentations focused on the: o Basics of wet and dry cleaning and sanitizing o Value and importance of sanitation SOPs
- A hands-on exercise writing a sanitation SOP
ENYCH Listed Event
Modern Stone Fruit Training Systems Webinar
March 16, 2021

While yields of stone fruits planted to traditional orchard systems have been lagging behind our modern apple plantings in the northeast, research is actively being conducted to utilize improved rootstocks and modern, narrow training systems to increase productivity and reduce labor costs in peach and cherry systems.
In this webinar, we will be joined by Dr. Jim Schupp, Dr. Greg Lang, and Dr. Terence Robinson, as they discuss improved strategies for growing peaches and cherries in the northeast.
Modern Stone Fruit Training Systems Webinar
March 16, 2021
While yields of stone fruits planted to traditional orchard systems have been lagging behind our modern apple plantings in the northeast, research is actively being conducted to utilize improved rootstocks and modern, narrow training systems to increase productivity and reduce labor costs in peach and cherry systems.
In this webinar, we will be joined by Dr. Jim Schupp, Dr. Greg Lang, and Dr. Terence Robinson, as they discuss improved strategies for growing peaches and cherries in the northeast.
Orleans County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 22, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 1
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Wayne County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 22, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 1
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
ENYCH Listed Event
How to Obtain a Pesticide Applicator License - March 23
March 23, 2021
1pm - 4pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Thinking about becoming a certified pesticide applicator in New York? This online program will cover the basics of who needs a pesticide license, license types, examination procedures, and important information to know for the test. We will incorporate interactive practice questions and activities within the program to test participant knowledge in preparation for the exam.
Orleans County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 24, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 2
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
Workshop without manuals can register by Mar 5,
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Wayne County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 24, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 2
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
Workshop without manuals can register by Mar 5,
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Wayne County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 29, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 3
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Orleans County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 29, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 3
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Northeast Winter Fruit Seminar Series NEWA 3.0 Project Upgrades for 2021 Webinar
March 30, 2021
NEWA is an online platform that provides decision support information for insect pests, plant diseases, and crop management in fruit, vegetable, and field crop commodities. These resources are accessible at free of charge to all producers in any of NEWA's 15 member states.
In this online meeting, Dan Olmstead will discuss upgrades coming to NEWA. Some of which include user accounts to save model settings, a customizable list of favorite stations, and an app-like user experience on smart devices with smaller screens. In addition, video Quickstart Guides will be available for every NEWA model.
DEC Credits Available 1.25 DEC credits in Categories 10, 1A, 21, 22, 23, and 25
Orleans County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 31, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 4
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Wayne County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
March 31, 2021 : DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 4
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Cleaning and Sanitizing on Produce Farms and in Packing Facilities
March 31, 2021
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual (Zoom)
The Institute for Food Safety at Cornell University, UVM Extension Ag Engineering, and CCE
[Insert your county, region or program here] are hosting a workshop on Cleaning and Sanitizing
on Produce Farms and in Packing Facilities. This remote 3.5 hour webinar will provide:
April 2021
Wayne County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Exam
April 1, 2021
Noon - 4:30pm
Cornell Cooperative Extension Wayne County
Newark, NY
A Certification Exam will be administered on April 1st at Noon by the DEC to Qualified Applicants. The fee for the exam is $100: bring a check payable to NYSDEC the day of the exam. You must register with DEC to take the exam. To register for the exam or if you have questions regarding the Certification Process, please contact Chris Wainwright at the Bath DEC office (607) 622-8264.
Orleans County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Exam
April 6, 2021
Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension
Albion, NY
A Certification Exam will be administered on April 6 at 1pm by the DEC to Qualified Applicants. The fee for the exam is $100: bring a check payable to NYSDEC the day of the exam. You must register with DEC to take the exam. To register for the exam or if you have questions regarding the Certification Process, please contact Justin Schoff at the Avon DEC office (607) 622-8264.
Statewide Virtual Pink Meeting
April 26, 2021
4pm - 5:15pm
Online via Zoom
Please join CCE-LOF & CCE-ENYCHP to our Statewide Virtual Pink Meeting (Zoom) from 4-5:15 PM this Monday.
ENYCH Listed Event
2021 Spring Turn-Out Grazier Meeting
April 29, 2021
Online Zoom Meeting
2021 Spring Turn-Out Grazier Meeting: Adapting livestock, Pasture Forbs, Spending Money. Presented by Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators: Ashely Pierce, Dayton Maxwell, and Aaron Gabriel.
May 2021
Statewide Virtual Bloom Thinning Meeting
May 3, 2021
Online via Zoom

Please join CCE-LOF & CCE-ENYCHP for our Statewide Virtual Bloom Thinning Meeting.
WNY Virtual Petal Fall Meeting
May 17, 2021
Online via Zoom

Please join CCE-LOF our WNY Virtual Petal Fall Meeting.
WNY Virtual '12mm Thinning Sprays' Meeting
May 24, 2021
Online via Zoom

Please join CCE-LOF our WNY Virtual 12mm Thinning Sprays Meeting.
ENYCH Listed Event
Saffron Winter Survival and the Next Step in Cultivation
May 27, 2021
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Calabash Gardens
Wells Rover, VT
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Many New England growers are cultivating saffron as a component of their diversified farming program. They are selling their saffron for $25-50 per gram! Want to learn more about this high value crop? Come to our FREE Saffron Demonstration Event coordinated by the University of Vermont (UVM) North American Center for Saffron Research & Development. It will take place in Vermont but anyone from anywhere is welcome to attend if they are willing to drive to it. This is one of several demonstration events we will hold over the year at different Vermont grower locations. Each event will feature different key topics coordinated with the saffron production cycle.
Upcoming Events
From Seed to Success: Turn Your Idea into an Actionable Plan
January 7, 2025 : Session 1: The 30,000-foot view, what are you trying to accomplish? What resources do you have?
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Planning and the Business Plan (Liz Higgins)
- Session 1: The 30,000-foot view, what are you trying to accomplish? What resources do you have?
January 14, 2025 : Session 2: Introduction to Project Management
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Planning and the Business Plan (Liz Higgins)
- Session 2: Introduction to Project Management
January 21, 2025 : Session 3: How Business Planning Becomes a Business Plan
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Planning and the Business Plan (Liz Higgins)
- Session 3: How Business Planning Becomes a Business Plan
January 28, 2025 : Session 4: Your Market and Your Competition
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Farm (Bonnie Nelsen)
Session 4: Your Market and Your Competition
February 4, 2025 : Session 5: Revenue and Product Mix to Achieve Your Goals
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Farm (Bonnie Nelsen)
- Session 5: Revenue and Product Mix to Achieve Your Goals
February 11, 2025 : Session 6: Marketing Plan and Evaluation of Marketing Efforts
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Farm (Bonnie Nelsen)
- Session 6: Marketing Plan and Evaluation of Marketing Efforts
February 18, 2025 : Session 7: The Basics of Financial Statements
Unit 3: Developing a Financial Plan for Your Farm Business (Steve Hadcock)
- Session 7: The Basics of Financial Statements
February 25, 2025 : Session 8: Enhancing Confidence in Your Numbers
Unit 3: Developing a Financial Plan for Your Farm Business (Steve Hadcock)
- Session 8: Enhancing Confidence in Your Numbers
March 4, 2025 : Session 9: Using Financial Statements and Financial Information to Plan and Evaluate an Enterprise
Unit 3: Developing a Financial Plan for Your Farm Business (Steve Hadcock)
- Session 9: Using Financial Statements and Financial Information to Plan and Evaluate an Enterprise
Farm Grant Literacy Workshop
January 16, 2025 : Session 1: Understanding Farm Grant Opportunities
January 23, 2025 : Session 2: Identifying Farm Grant Opportunities
January 30, 2025 : Session 3: How To Read and Interpret Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
February 13, 2025 : Session 4: Panelists
February 20, 2025 : Session 5: Panelists
February 27, 2025 : Session 6: Panelists
Cornell Fruit Winter Webinars
January 17, 2025 : Week 1: Digging into Pruning and Soil Health
Speakers: Mario Miranda Sazo (CCE LOFP) and Dr. Debbie Aller (Cornell CALS)
January 31, 2025 : Week 2: Cider Apples - Mechanized Harvesting and Sweet Cider Food Safety
Speakers: Dr. Greg Peck (Cornell CALS) and Dr. Randy Worobo (Cornell CALS)

February 14, 2025 : Week 3: The Value of "Eco-Friendly" Marketing - OMRI Certification, Red Tomato, EcoApple, NYS Grown
Speakers: Liz Higgins (CCE ENYCHP), Josh Morgenthau (Fish Kill Farms), Jim Bittner (Bittner-Singer Orchard, and Kevin Clark (Rose Hill Farm)

February 28, 2025 : Week 4: Biopesticides and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) for Berries
Speaker(s): McKenzie Schessl (Cornell AgriTech) and Samantha Willden (Cornell AgriTech)

March 14, 2025 : Week 5: St. Peachtrick's Day: Stone Fruit Insect and Disease Management
Speakers: Dr. George Sundin (Michigan State University) and Brett Blaauw (University of Georgia)